Guelph Schools
Central West (Guelph)

In this School Guide, you'll find out more about the schools children in this neighbourhood can attend, including public, Catholic, and private schools.

Central West, or Downtown Guelph, is known for its distinctive limestone architecture and heritage buildings. Many of Guelph's historically designated properties are in or near the downtown area. Downtown is very easily accessible by car, regional and local transit, walking, and by bike. It is the home of Guelph's largest concentration of retail, dining, financial services, as well as entertainment, healthcare, and professional services like lawyers and doctors. Housing options include single-family homes, townhouses and duplexes/triplexes, and apartment complexes.

Central West (Guelph) Schools

Central West (Guelph) has great secondary schools, elementary special programs, and secondary special programs. There are 6 public schools, 6 Catholic schools, 1 private school, and 1 alternative/special school serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include French Immersion, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Montessori.

Public Schools


Catholic Schools


Private Schools


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