Overlooking Lake Ontario, Twentieth Street Junior School is located on the corner of Lake Shore Boulevard West and Twentieth Street in the west end of the City of Toronto. Twentieth Street Junior School has served the Lakeshore Community since 1920. In September 1994 a new building opened to replace the original structure. Our community has a rich history, with many families dating back for several generations. Twentieth Street Junior School is close to many community recreation facilities including the Master Card Centre Arena for Hockey Excellence and Gus Ryder Pool. Our school is fully accessible.
Twentieth Street Values Character Education
Get in the spin! We are the Twentieth Street Tornadoes! And like a tornado that is powerful and harnesses the strength of the wind, at Twentieth Street we harness the positive energy of each student working together to demonstrate the character traits within the tornado. Together we have a collective responsibility to be responsible, respectful, kind, empathetic, co-operative, honest and to persevere! We have daily and monthly Character Education activities to develop understanding of the TDSB 10 core Character Traits. Positive behaviour is also recognized through monthly assemblies and daily on our announcments and in class.
Interesting Feature
Facts About Twentieth Street Junior School
Our Mission: As a learner-centred community, our mission is to promote respect, Equity and excellence in education for all learners through a supportive, responsive and caring environment.
With 200 students enrolled, Twentieth Street Junior School values diversity and inclusion and is home to five classes of Intensive Support Special Education Programming. We also offer Full Day Kindergarten, known as the Early Learning Program.
More Information about Twentieth Street Junior School
Literacy: High expectations for all!
All teachers participate in Professional Learning Communities to ensure effective analysis of data & instruction. We are currently engaged in two inquiry based Teaching & Learning Critical Pathways: 1) Will effective Guided Reading instruction improve student achievement? 2) Using the SMART Board, will interactive programming increase student engagement & achievement?
Numeracy: A priority at Twentieth Street!
Differentiated instruction, descriptive feedback and the use of math manipulatives and a problem solving approach characterize the math programs at Twentieth Street Junior School.
Community, Culture & Caring: We make a great team!
Twentieth Street School values our community. We engage our parent community by ensuring parent-teacher communication. We welcome volunteers and have an active School Council. We engage in the wider community by participating in activities such as the Terry Fox Run, Family Literacy Day and through our skating program at the Master Card Centre Arena for Hockey Excellence.
EcoSchools: We care about the Earth!
Twentieth Street Junior School values our environment. We are committed to creating and sustaining a culture where everyone respects the Earth. We engage in activities that promote a healthier and cleaner environment for everyone including Eco-walks, student-run recycling programs and the Mayor's Earth Day Clean-Up.
Additional Features
- Equity: We value diversity
- Active School & Parent Council
- Full Day Kindergarten
- Equity Symposium Participants
- Performing Arts Presentations
- Pizza Lunches & Lunch Lady Program
Student Life - Where You Belong
At Twentieth Street Junior School, students are involved in many enrichment and extra curricular activities. Students can participate in our Cross Country Running Club, on our Track and Field Team and we have other clubs such as Soccer Club and Basketball Club. We have a very strong EcoSchools program that develops students' awareness and understanding of environmental needs. All students participate in a recycling program, environmental walks such as the Polar Bear Walk, Earth Hour and the City of Toronto Mayor's Earth Day Clean Up. Student life is also enriched by assemblies that acknowledge Good Citizens and our Grade 5 students have many leadership opportunities including Playground Pals and Announcement Monitors. All students are involved in Anti-Bully Talks and share the philosophy that "It's Cool To Be Kind!" and that at Twentieth Street School we all "Dare To Care!"
What Sets Us Apart
Full Day Kindergarten:
This Early Learning Program began in September 2010 at Twentieth Street Junior School.
Educational Partnerships:
We have extensive partnerships with Humber College and Bachelor of Education Programs at various universities. We are host to many college and university students in a variety of programs who come and learn from our school environment and provide a wonderful opportunity for increased student support.
Scientists in the Schools program:
Our School Council provides funding for all classes to experience the Scientists in School Program. This enrichment program makes science come alive!
Parent and Community Engagement
At Twentieth Street Junior School we have many community links. We benefit from an active School Council and we welcome volunteers. We value our parents and community members who come to the school to volunteer to support our Soup, Hot Dog and Pizza Lunch Days as well as volunteer at our Skating Program and as classroom readers. We invite families to join us for book sharing in our library to celebrate events such as Family Literacy Day. We offer a Breakfast Program provided through LAMP (Lakeshore Area Multi-Service Project). We benefit from having unique partnerships with Humber College and frequently host college students who complete course placements in our classrooms.