John English School is located on Mimico Avenue, east of Royal York Road. The original school, a one-room brick building, opened in 1884 and moved, after a series of renovations and rebuilding, into the former Mimico High School building in 1993. The auditorium, cafeteria, gymnasium, and other specialized areas are shared with the Community School. John English serves over 900 students representing many language groups. John English offers programs in English (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8), French Immersion (Senior Kindergarten-Grade 8) and Extended French (Grade 6 to 8).
Mission Statement
John English Junior Middle School is a dynamic, innovative and progressive centre for public education in the Lakeshore community. Each of our English and French Immersion students experiences personal success in developing academic, technological and life skills. In our safe, supportive and specialized learning environment, we integrate the talents and efforts of students, staff, parents and our many community partners to enable each student to become a competent, contributing member of our neighbourhood and society.
Interesting Feature
Success at École John English School
The academic success of our students is important to us. Success is achieved by
- providing opportunities for all students to be successful.
- providing a balanced academic program.
- offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities including sports, music and interest clubs.
- supporting our students with effective curriculum and program.
- working together with parents to encourage each child to achieve their best.
More Information about John English Junior Middle School
Student Leadership and Support
Students who are successful experience support and opportunity in and out of the classroom. Our Student Council, Boys to Men, Young Women on the Move and leadership groups provide students with opportunities to learn about and demonstrate leadership. All of our students are expected to be responsible for their learning and demonstrate respect for others.
Healthy Bites
The Healthy Bites Lunch Program provides a nutritious meal, made from nutritious ingredients, for students up to four days a week for a small cost. The program, developed by parents in 2008, continues to be successful in serving over 200 students. It is currently operated by a Coordinator as well as parent and community volunteers.
School Council
École John English School Council is our parent council working to support the learning environment for our students. We encourage parents and community members to participate in their children’s education in partnership with the school. Parents are welcome to attend all meetings and to provide input into the range of support for our students and programs.
Healthy Active Living
At John English students have the opportunity to become involved in a multitude of sports activities such as cross country, track and field, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball , ultimate frisbee, touch football and badminton. Additionally, John English students have many artistic opportunities participating in music, drama and visual art programs.
Student Life - Where You Belong
- Student Parliament
- Middle School Dances
- Citizenship Ceremony
- John English Leadership (JEL) Team
- Spelling Bee
- French Speaking Contest
- Math Contest
- Student AV Team
- Student -led Announcements
- Safety Patrollers
- Reading Buddies
- Sports Teams
- School Concerts & Musical
- Leadership Camp
- Student Recognition & Character Ed. Assemblies
- Grade 8 Graduation Trip
- Grade 7 Outdoor Education Trip
- Boys To Men
- Young Women on the Move
- Hockey Academy (Grade 5 students)
- Community Skating
- School-wide Events e.g. Olympics, Play Day, Terry Fox Run
- Free the Children
- Jump Rope for Heart
- Terry Fox Walk
- EcoKids Committee
- Spirit Theme Days
What Sets Us Apart
The partnership between home, school, and community is essential to creating a school environment which promotes high expectations in all that we do. Staff, parents, and community members focus on strategies and programs which improve student achievement. We recognize students for their diligence in their work in all subjects, for their help and cooperation, and for their contributions to life in the school. We celebrate student achievement at monthly student recognition assemblies and end of term awards assemblies. We will continue to build a foundation for student success through our Boys to Men, Young Women on The Move and student leadership programs. The continuation of the Parent Safety Program facilitates the safe arrival of our students. Our Breakfast & Healthy Bites Lunch Program continue to ensure that many of our students receive a nutritious meal before and during their school day. We continue to incorporate authentic learning opportunities for our students through actively involving our community partners (e.g. Citizenship Ceremony & Career Day).
Parent and Community Engagement
- Community School offering a wide range of classes for students and adults
- Next Door Family Resources
- Use of community resources: Lakeshore Area Multi-Purpose Project (LAMP), speech/counselling services, social agencies, COPE (Community Parent Education)
- Healthy Bites - Parent Operated Lunch Program
- TDSB International Languages Elementary Program
- High school co-op students
- Parent volunteers assisting with classroom programs, excursions, special events and celebrations
- Transition Information Meetings: Grade 8 to Secondary School, French Program Information, Grade 5 Feeder School to J.E. and Kindergarten.