St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy


40 Sewells Rd, Scarborough, ON M1B 3G5, Canada

  • GRADES OFFERED: 9 - 12
About St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy

The ideals and spirit of Mother Teresa give the school its motto Amare et Servire (to love and serve). Blessed Mother Teresa CSS has in its brief history shown itself to be a community school in two very fundamental ways: it embraces some 54 different ethnic minorities and it seeks to educate all who come to it from the Malvern Community taking in students representing the complete spectrum of intellectual, artistic and athletic talent.

St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy is located in Malvern

Malvern is located in Scarborough and contains primarily semi-detached and detached homes. The history of Malvern began in 1856, and the first residents of this modern day Malvern community moved into their homes in 1972. There are over 60 different cultures represented in Malvern.

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