Toronto Schools
Junction Area

In this School Guide, you'll find out more about the schools children in this neighbourhood can attend, including public, Catholic, and private schools.

The Junction is a neighbourhood near the West Toronto Diamond, a junction of four railway lines in the area. The Junction was a manufacturing community that rose quickly during the late 19th century. Recent rapid gentrification has meant new chic restaurants and bars have opened up along Dundas Street, attracting young people, while lower rents make the neighbourhood appealing to artists.

Junction Area Schools

This neighbourhood has great elementary schools, great secondary schools, elementary special programs, and secondary special programs. There are 15 public schools, 9 Catholic schools, 2 private schools, and 1 alternative/special school serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include Special Education School, French Immersion, International Baccalaureate, Montessori, and Advanced Placement.

Public Schools


Catholic Schools


Private Schools


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