Sine Magno Nil Labore (Nothing worthwhile is accomplished without hard work).
David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute welcomed it's first students in September, 1959. Since then, Thomson has maintained a reputation for academic excellence. The programs for Grades 9 to 12 are semestered to accommodate the program needs of all students. The school's population of approximately 1000 is ideal for teacher/student mentoring. In Grade 9, students receive special attention throughout the year in order to ensure a smooth transition to high school. Extensive use is made of peer leaders in Grade 9 classes, as well as, PASS (Peer Assisted Student Success), and peer tutors.
Specialist High Skills Majors
Thomson offers Specialist High Skills Majors in Information and Communication Technology and also in Health and Wellness. SHSM enable senior students to enrich their studies and gives opportunities to expand their learning experiences and certifications. Each student who completes the SHSM will be given special accreditation on their OSSD diploma when they graduate. Thomson also has Dual Credit opportunities with colleges that allow students to receive a college credit while still in high school.
Information and Communication Technology
Access to information and communication/computer technology is available in all areas through subject-specific and cross-curricular labs. The department offers CISCO Academy, IT essentials in Engineering (Part 1 &2). Thomson innovatively uses Google Classroom, e-learning courses, Promethian and Smart Boards to enhance the learning environment. To further promote student success and different learning styles, teachers utilize technology to provide a blended learning environment for students, including: live events, self-paced learning, collaboration, online assessment and performance support materials.
More Information about David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute
Our athletics department is extremely active and enthusiastic with the focus on student participation. Each year there are over 40 varsity teams that compete in a variety of team and individual sports as well as intramural sports activities available to Thomson students.
Student Leadership
Students can choose from a wide range of leadership opportunities. One example is PASS (Peers Assisted Student Success). PASS is both a grade 9 transition program and a senior leadership course. Senior students enhance their leadership skills by "linking" with grade 9 students, providing them with a smooth transition to Thomson.
Professional Learning Committees
Thomson staff is actively working as a Professional Learning Committee to improve curriculum delivery and student success. Thomson's PLCs work toward achieving our school's vision: "Thomson is a student-centred, collaborative learning community that embodies equity and mutual respect in the pursuit of personal excellence".
The Thomson Experience
Thomson offers students the opportunity to experience a rich variety of program choices. Our goal is to encourage students to become successful productive citizens through experiences in all facets of the curriculum. Students are encouraged to develop leadership skills through participation in clubs, activities, and school-wide committees and initiatives.
Additional Features
● New school opening in Sept. 2019
● Blended Learning and e-Learning
● Local Summer School Program
● Eco-Schools Gold Certification 2012
Student Life - Where You Belong
Thomson is a very active place. There is something for each and every student, from athletics, to clubs, student leadership and school wide initiatives, including:
• TLC - Thomson Leadership Council
• Future Aces
• T.A.C. Thomson Athletics Council
• ESL Homework Club
• Peer Mediation
• START - Students@ Thomson Assisting in Research and Technology
• ACE - African Caribbean Empowerment;
• SISTA - Sisters Assisting Sisters To Achieve
• School Action Team
• The Brotherhood
• BOLD - Beautiful, Outstanding Leaders Developing
Our school is home to more than 90 nationalities, which gives students the opportunity to interact with people of different cultures and backgrounds on a daily basis.
What Sets Us Apart
Thomson is an innovative school engaged in many pilot projects and initiatives to meet the interests and needs of our students and community.
• Specialist High Skills Majors (in Health and Wellness and Information Communication Technology): Allow students to explore careers and gain special certifications and seal on their OSSD.
• AP - Advanced Placement Program: A program recognized by universities as one of the best/flexible programs for preparing Grade 12 students for success at university.
• E-Learning: Thomson was the first school in the TDSB to offer Ministry E-Learning courses that give students technology-enriched learning opportunities and flexibility.
• Partnership with Community Colleges to offer Dual Credit programs: Partnerships with Centennial, George Brown, and Humber Colleges enable Thomson students to take a college course and gain exposure to post-secondary life.
Parent and Community Engagement
Thomson strives to reach out to our parents and community members. Here is a list of our most recent involvements and initiatives:
• Scarborough Basketball Association
• SEPT (Settlement and Education Partnerships in Toronto)
• Newcomer Services for Youth
• Future Aces
• Rosalie Hall Youth Outreach Workers • Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interview Evenings
• Thomson's School Council - parents are encouraged to become active members
• Parent/Guardian Information Evenings designed to encourage a partnership between school and home for student success
• ESL Newcomer Parent Evenings, fostering an understanding of the Ontario Education System, hosted by our Community Outreach Professional Learning Community.