Toronto Schools
Banbury-Don Mills

In this School Guide, you'll find out more about the schools children in this neighbourhood can attend, including public, Catholic, and private schools.

Banbury-Don Mills is a mixed-use neighbourhood in the North York district. It was developed to be a self-supporting "new town" and was at the time located outside of Toronto proper. Consisting of residential, commercial and industrial sub-districts, it was planned and developed by private enterprise. In several ways it became the blueprint for postwar suburban development in Toronto and contemporary residential neighbourhoods.

Banbury-Don Mills Schools

This neighbourhood has great elementary schools, great secondary schools, elementary special programs, and secondary special programs. There are 16 public schools, 7 Catholic schools, 10 private schools, and 1 alternative/special school serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include French Immersion, All-Male, Christian, All-Female, Advanced Placement, Gifted/Talented Program, International Baccalaureate, and Special Education School.

Public Schools


Catholic Schools


Private Schools


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