Be positive, be creative, and take control of your learning. Let Lanor inspire you! Lanor Junior Middle School is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school in Etobicoke. Built in 1952, the school has a rich history and is now a STEAM centre. Children in Kindergarten through Grade 8 come from the immediate area. They are joined by students from Sir Adam Beck Junior School in Grade 6. Our approximately 300 students are served by a Principal, 1 Office administrator, 17 teachers, 2 Early Childhood Educators, 1 Child and Youth Worker, 1 Educational Assistant, 2 Itinerant Music Instructors, 5 lunchroom supervisors, and 2 caretakers. Many of our students' parents attended Lanor and many work locally in the community. Our School Council supports many activities which enrich the life of our school.
Learning Together
At Lanor At Lanor we aim to enable all students to enjoy learning and to strive for excellence as they acquire the skills to become lifelong learners. We encourage them to challenge themselves, to set goals, and to share responsibility for their learning and behaviour. We provide support for students in a variety of ways, including English as a Second Language instruction, Special Education support, and homework help. We offer enriching experiences to extend learning, including Scientists In The Schools, performances, field trips, and local arts festivals. Many of these activities are provided in partnership with our parents.
Student Life - Where You Belong
Lanor nurtures the social development, growth, and leadership skills of each student in a friendly, safe, and productive learning environment. We want every student to feel included, challenged, and successful. We provide English as a Second Language instruction and Special Education support to facilitate learning in the classroom. Our involvement in Free The Children, student conferences, and local community events provides many opportunities for students to be leaders. Character Development and equity initiatives aim to develop a sense of responsibility and respect. A balance of extracurricular activities in sports, the Arts, robotics, and social justice ensures that students with many different interests can be involved in the life of the school outside of the classroom.
What Sets Us Apart
At Lanor JMS, our student-developed motto is "Be positive, be creative, and take control of your education. Let Lanor inspire you." With approximately 300 students and a small staff, we rely on teamwork to provide excellent learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom. Parent and community volunteers, student teachers, secondary school co-op students and local college students bring their skills to us and enrich our school community. We also encourage our students to volunteer in the school and in the larger community. All students are served a healthy morning snack each day, as part of our Nutrition Program. Our School Council supports our staff and students in many ways. Thanks to their support, we have been able to bring in Scientists In The Schools, have fun community events, and have performances. Their fundraising efforts have supported technology, drama, sports, music, and recess activities. They organize a BBQ, Halloween dance, and other family events.
Parent and Community Engagement
Lanor values its links to the community: Alderwood Library, Jubilee Centre (Seniors' Residence), Franklin Horner Community Centre, LAMP, Lakeshore Collegiate, Faculties of Education, Humber College, Artworld Fine Art Gallery, Toronto Police Services 22 Division. Students proudly perform for their families at Music Concerts, Dance, and Drama Productions. The School Council actively supports school intiatives through fundraising and recruiting volunteers. Parent and community volunteers assist in classrooms, on field trips, with our daily Nutrition Program, and in extra-curricular activities. Communication with parents is provided through calendars, weekly information blasts, homework blogs, a school website, Twitter account @lanorjms, and Student Planners (Grades 1 - 8), and other means determined by each teacher.
Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They are community-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety of opportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices. Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice, access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financial stability.
More Information about Lanor Junior Middle School
Lanor is proud to be a TDSB STEAM Centre. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, and employs a mindset of constant revision and redesign in the problem-solving process. Some opportunities we've had include Engineer in Residence, a gecko habitarium, salmon hatchery project, and virtual robotics pilot program!
We use technology to enhance curriculum and support students in their learning. Interactive white boards, iPads, laptops, and multimedia projectors are integrated into our programing in many areas, including music, cyberarts, and media literacy. We are working with the TDSB Assistive Technology team to develop the skills to use our technology effectively.
The Arts
As well as the Arts in the classroom, we have extracurricular arts clubs, as well as a fully-inclusive Band and Strings program for students in grades 6 through 8. We participate in school, community and TDSB events, such as the 'Tis the Season Visual Arts event, and integrate all of The Arts into many other areas of the curriculum.
Staff Development
Staff work together to create the best learning environment for our students. We gather and analyze data to determine student achievement levels and use it to guide planning. We engage in team planning and inquiry based professional learning to ensure consistent delivery of curriculum across grade levels. We continue to develop our Literacy and Numeracy Rooms.