Laurelwoods ES


374027 6 Line, Orangeville, ON L9W 0M6

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle
About Laurelwoods ES

Laurelwoods Elementary School receives students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. The school is located in the hamlet of Laurel, northeast of Orangeville. Laurelwoods is a fully bussed school receiving students from Orangeville, Waldemar, and Amaranth Township. The school philosophy is to provide each student with the opportunity to achieve academic success, and meet the standards set out by the Ministry of Education and Training. Laurelwoods is committed to delivering Literacy and Mathematics Programs that provide students with the necessary tools and skills for the future.

Laurelwoods ES is located in Rural Amaranth

Rural Amaranth has a low population density and primarily consists of farmland.

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