Mentor College Primary Campus

56 Cayuga Ave, Mississauga, ON L5G 3S9, Canada

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten
About Mentor College Primary Campus

Mentor College was founded in 1982 to provide a programme of education based on proven traditional methods of teaching. Since then, the school has earned a reputation for solid academic performance and the success of its students at the post-secondary level attests to this. Emphasis is placed on the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics, and on preparing students for an active, rewarding life.

Mentor College Primary Campus is located in Port Credit

Port Credit is a small neighbourhood in south central Mississauga, on the shore of Lake Ontario. It is a vibrant community with a beautiful waterfront featuring park lands, a lighthouse, marina, restaurants, cafés, entertainment, events, shops, farmers' market, and other amenities. Housing is a mix of apartment buildings (both rental and condos), townhome condos, bungalows, and larger, very expensive properties.

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