135 Bendamere Ave, Hamilton, ON L9C 1N4, Canada
- SCHOOL TYPE: Catholic
- WEBSITE: ÉÉC Monseigneur-de-Laval
- SCHOOL LEVEL: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle
L’école Monseigneur-de-Laval favorise, dans le respect de chaque individu, le développement des habiletés intellectuelles et sociales des élèves afin de collaborer à leur réussite sur les plans scolaire et humain. L’école Monseigneur-de-Laval veut aussi contribuer à créer et maintenir un sentiment d’appartenance à la communauté francophone dans l’esprit des valeurs évangéliques.

Buchanan is a neighbourhood in west Hamilton. The Buchanan community is named after Isaac Buchanan, who was a businessman and political figure in Canada West. Mostly residential with a few parks throughout the neighbourhood, Buchanan is located near Mohawk College and Hillfield-Strathallan College.
Other neighbourhoods in ÉÉC Monseigneur-de-Laval's catchment area:
- Kennedy
- Falkirk
- Mountview
- Kirkendall
- Templemead
- Chappel
- Durand
- Blakely
- Sheldon
- Iroquoia Heights
- Stoney Creek Mountain
- Gourley
- Balfour
- Broughton
- Villages of Glancaster
- Albion Falls
- Fruitland
- Carpenter
- Hannon
- Airport Employment Area
- Gershome
- Gilbert
- Berrisfield
- Southam
- Stoney Creek
- Greeningdon
- Hill Park
- Rural Ancaster
- Stinson
- Ryckmans
- Centremount
- Rosedale
- Rushdale
- Twenty Place
- St. Clair
- Burkholme
- Barnstown
- Sherwood
- Ancaster
- Bruleville
- Sunninghill
- Jerome
- Eleanor
- King's Forest Upper
- Lawfield
- Allison
- Ainslie Wood
- Eastmount
- Mohawk
- Gurnett
- Trenholme
- Yeoville
- Rymal
- Bonnington
- King's Forest Lower
- Fessenden
- Macassa
- Meadowlands
- Chedoke Park
- Thorner
- Kernighan
- Corktown
- Randall
- Vincent
- Quinndale
- Delta
- Huntington
- Rolston
- Westcliffe
- Rural Glanbrook
- Rural Stoney Creek
- Butler
- Crerar
- Gilkson
- Lisgar (Hamilton)
- Hampton Heights
- Inch Park
- Raleigh (Hamilton)