Dufferin Area Christian School

394016 Dufferin 12, Laurel, ON L0N 1L0, Canada

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Elementary, Middle, and Kindergarten
About Dufferin Area Christian School

Dufferin Area Christian School is located in Laurel, Ontario. We provide Reformed education to children from the Orangeville and Grand Valley Canadian Reformed churches. The purpose of Dufferin Area Christian School is to provide for our parents a Reformed Christian learning environment for the education of their children, to assist them in fulfilling their covenental promises made at the baptism of their children. We strive to develop the talents of the students so that they acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for a life of responsible Christian stewardship. The school will also provide an atmosphere that promotes a genuine love and caring for their neighbour near and far.

Dufferin Area Christian School is located in Rural Amaranth

Rural Amaranth has a low population density and primarily consists of farmland.

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