Dunlace Public School is located in the Leslie and York Mills community, north of York Mills Road. Dunlace Public School opened in 1962, replacing the original Oriole Public School that served the community since 1826. Dunlace serves about 320 students and represents 28 different language groups from 30 countries around the globe. We are part of Learning Centre 1, Learning Network 26. An independent childcare centre, Dunlace Children's Centre, whose philosophy supports and extends that of the school, is housed in the building.
Bilingual Programming
Dunlace Public School is a Triple Track School that offers programs in English from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5, Early French Immersion from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 5 and Extended French for Grade 5. This will be our last year with Extended French. Dunlace has Bilingual Special Education and Library Programs rich in French and English books and resources. The French Immersion and Extended French Programs have very particular admissions procedures.
Dunlace Cares
Dunlace is an Eco School and our Green Club promotes a philosophy of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Our Litterless Lunch Program is a Boomerang Lunch initiative encouraging students to bring home any garbage and recycling items left in their lunch bags. Our goal is to reduce our environmental footprint. Dunlace is one of Toronto's Schools on the Move. We teach our students about making healthy lifestyle choices by balancing physical activity with nutrition.
More Information about Dunlace Public School
Excellence in Education
Dunlace is committed to providing a learning rich environment that balances academic excellence in Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology and Social Studies with Health, Physical Education and the Arts. Our I.T., Music, Drama, Dance and H.P.E. programs are taught weekly to grades JK to 5 by specialist teachers.
Dunlace Athletics Program
We believe that a healthy, active lifestyle will enable our students to reach their full potential. In order to achieve this, we ensure that our students have Daily Physical Activity in the classroom, a comprehensive Physical Education program and many opportunities for them to enjoy extra-curricular physical activity through our comprehensive Athletics program.
Safe and Caring Schools
At Dunlace we strive to provide a safe environment for all of our students and staff by following the TDSB Safe Schools Policy. Through various social programs we provide students with conflict resolution strategies. Our Character Attribute Team organizes monthly Student Recognition Assemblies that recognize positive behaviour.
Music, Drama, Dance
Our Music Program offers a wide variety of experiences for students. Instruction is in English and French and includes Orff and Recorder programs and World Music programs (such as African Drumming). Our Primary and Junior Choirs participate at our school concerts and singing at the legislature. We celebrate Music Monday in May.
Additional Features
● Grade 5 Overnight Trip
● Prologue Performing Arts
● Spirit Days
● School-wide DPA
● Me to We Club
● Platinum Eco School
● Kind Club
● Interschool Athletic Teams
Student Life - Where You Belong
Dunlace offers an Healthy, Active, Safe and Caring Learning Environment featuring all of the following activities.
Literacy: Forest of Reading Program, Primary Booster Reading, Concours d'art oratoire.
Math, Science and Technology: I.T. instruction from Grades 1 to 5, Scientists in Schools. Conflict Resolution: Character Award Team and Character Awards Assembly, Kind Club
The Arts: Prologue for the Performing Arts Performances, Primary and Junior Choir, Instrumental Music (Gamelan Instruments, African Drumming, Ukelele, Recorder).
Interschool Athletics: Cross-Country, Basketball, Badminton, Soccer, Volleyball, Track and Field, Hockey and Ultimate Frisby Teams.
Clubs: Pizza Lunches, Scrabble Club, Lego Club, Lunch Clubs and Activities
What Sets Us Apart
Dunlace has caring teachers who guide and instruct their students to become good citizens. Expert teachers provide programming in I.T., Physical Education and Health, vocal and instrumental music, dance and drama. Our teachers willingly give their time to offer extra curricular activities and experiences to our students, coaching Athletic Teams and leading many clubs and activities like our Green, Forest of Reading and Crafts clubs and choirs. Dunlace teachers strive to make a difference in the life of their children!
Parent and Community Engagement
School Community Outreach: participation in the Daily Bread Food Drive, Terry Fox Walk, United Way, Partnership with Toronto Police through Values, Influences and Peers (V.I.P.) programs, Safety Patrollers, Co-op students from York Mills Collegiate
Parent Involvement: Active School Council meets regularly, parent volunteers assist in school activities in the classrooms, in the library, on trips and with our athletics program. School Council Fundraising to support school needs such as Performing Arts, Scientists in Schools, Technology
Parent-organized school events include: Fun Fair, Pizza lunches, lunch-time and after school extra-curricular programs and various fundraising activities. Parent representation on Canadian Parents for French Advisory Committee.