50 Lisgar Ct, Hamilton, ON L8T 4Y4, Canada
- SCHOOL TYPE: Catholic
- WEBSITE: ÉSAC Mère-Teresa
- SCHOOL LEVEL: High and Middle
L’Académie catholique Mère-Teresa offre l’élève une éducation de qualité dans un milieu de vie catholique et francophone où le respect de la personne, le sens d’appartenance la collectivité francophone, la promotion de l’excellence et l’équité sont des valeurs visibles et essentielles son épanouissement.

Lisgar is a neighbourhood in south Hamilton. The community is centred on a large park and schools at the heart of the neighbourhood. While the Lisgar area is mostly residential, there is some shopping available along Upper Canada Street.
Other neighbourhoods in ÉSAC Mère-Teresa's catchment area:
- Fairview
- Grindstone
- Bayview
- Normanhurst
- Central (Hamilton)
- Kennedy
- Falkirk
- Mountview
- Dundas
- Kirkendall
- Templemead
- Chappel
- Durand
- Blakely
- Sheldon
- Iroquoia Heights
- Stoney Creek Mountain
- Gourley
- Balfour
- Broughton
- Villages of Glancaster
- Lakely
- Albion Falls
- Fruitland
- Carpenter
- Hannon
- Red Hill
- Airport Employment Area
- Gershome
- Beasley
- Freelton
- Gilbert
- Buchanan
- Berrisfield
- Southam
- Stoney Creek
- Greeningdon
- Kentley
- Hill Park
- Rural Ancaster
- Hamilton Beach
- Stinson
- Ryckmans
- Centremount
- Rosedale
- Lakeshore (Hamilton)
- Westdale
- Rushdale
- Twenty Place
- Rural Flamborough
- Gibson
- St. Clair
- Burkholme
- Barnstown
- Sherwood
- Ancaster
- Bruleville
- Sunninghill
- Jerome
- Eleanor
- King's Forest Upper
- McQuesten
- Lawfield
- Glenview
- Allison
- Ainslie Wood
- Eastmount
- Mohawk
- Gurnett
- Trenholme
- Yeoville
- Industrial Sector
- Greensville
- Stipley
- Rymal
- Bonnington
- King's Forest Lower
- Winona Park
- Fessenden
- Macassa
- Meadowlands
- Riverdale
- Chedoke Park
- Thorner
- Kernighan
- Bartonville
- Crown Point
- Corktown
- Randall
- Vincent
- Landsdale
- Quinndale
- Delta
- Huntington
- Rolston
- Cootes Paradise
- Westcliffe
- Parkview
- Rural Glanbrook
- Rural Stoney Creek
- Butler
- Crerar
- Gilkson
- Waterdown
- Greenford
- Pleasant View (Hamilton)
- North End
- Homeside
- Strathcona
- Hampton Heights
- Inch Park
- Corman
- Raleigh (Hamilton)