33 Cromwell Crescent, Hamilton, ON L8G 2E9, Canada
- SCHOOL TYPE: Catholic
- WEBSITE: St David Catholic ES
- SCHOOL LEVEL: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle
St. David Catholic School is located in the heart of the east end of Hamilton. We have a diverse school community with a number of ethnic cultures. Our school offers Special Education, Reading Recovery, E.S.L. programs, a library information centre and a computer lab to help support a wide range of curriculum expectations. An incredibly dedicated staff works hard to help our students grow spiritually, academically and socially. We strive to meet the needs of all our children and give of our time to provide many extra-curricular activities during recesses, lunch hours and after school. Our school Catholic school community is truly blessed to have a very active parish presence in our school.

Stoney Creek is a community in the city of Hamilton. It was officially a city from 1984 to 2001, when it was amalgamated with the rest of the cities of the Regional Municipality of Hamilton–Wentworth. The community of Stoney Creek is located on the south shore of western Lake Ontario, east of downtown Hamilton, into which feed the watercourses of Stoney Creek as well as several other minor streams. The historic area, known as the "Old Town", is below the Niagara Escarpment.