At Hollywood, we strive to enable all of our students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society. We value and are committed to providing a learning environment that is safe, nurturing, positive and respectful. Hollywood is a dynamic community school with a tradition of excellence. Active and dedicated parents and guardians participate in the school lives of the students. The parents play a key role in creating and shaping this great community school, Hollywood. We value the uniqueness and the diversity of our students and community. A positive learning environment is supported to foster the development of the whole child.
School Focus for the Year
At Hollywood, we strive to ensure student success through effective teaching, learning and assessment practices. We are implementing the Teaching-Learning Critical Pathway with a focus on inquiry and high-yield strategies to improve student achievement. Social skills development initiatives such as Character Education, Second Steps, and Ecological responsibility support the promotion of a safe, and inclusive environment. Hollywood is truly a community school where the collective efforts of all involved share a focus of supporting our students.
Interesting Feature
Our School
Hollywood Public School is located on the north side of Hollywood Avenue just west of Bayview Avenue and north of Sheppard Avenue. The school opened in 1949, was expanded in 1954, a new gymnasium was built in 1983, a new playground was installed in 2001, and extensive landscaping created a fabulous kindergarten playground in 2013. The school sits on 6.5 acres of parkland and has four school gardens. The computer lab, and library had extensive renovations.
More Information about Hollywood Public School
Special Education Programs
A variety of special education programs and services are offered to meet the needs of all students. Students' exceptionalities are identified through a formal review process.
Building a Respectful School Climate
Character Education is embedded into the school curriculum and student achievements are celebrated and recognized during monthly assembles. Our Code of Conduct is rooted in commitment to our duties, respect for others, pride in ourselves, and respect for the environment. A safe, caring and nurturing environment is a priority and permeates all aspects of school life.
Eco Schools
Hollywood is a certified Platinum Eco School! We believe in creating environmentally responsible citizens through ecological literacy. Hollywood participates in programs such as boomerang lunches, Earth Hour and schoolyard greening. We look forward to future initiatives that will continue to focus on developing ecological awareness.
Information Communication Technology
We have a fabulous computer lab, and Smart Boards. Information Communication Technology offers opportunities to acquire and demonstrate knowledge. At Hollywood, the use of technology serves as a learning tool to develop essential skills, and support learning. These include critical thinking, collaboration, synthesizing information, and communication.
Additional Features
- Primary, and Junior Choirs
- Scientists in the Schools
- Prologue for the Performing Arts
- Ivana Banana
- French Immersion - Grades 4 to 6
- Intramurals and Athletic Teams
- Day Care
Student Life - Where You Belong
Our community shares a dedication to supporting students. This collaboration between parents/ guardians, and staff fashions involvement that is courteous, meaningful, and positive. We value the strong partnership of family, community, and staff to support our students. Co-curricular activities for students are supported in the arts, and athletics. Our school organizes: a winter play day and a summer play day; intramural basketball, soccer and volleyball; and choir. Fun clubs at the school are cartooning, chess, and dominoes. Students play an important role in the daily morning exercises by taking turns to be announcers. A vibrant Eco Club promotes care for the environment through ongoing eco-school initiatives.
What Sets Us Apart
As well, we have one of the few TDSB middle French immersion programs for students in grades 5 to 6.
Parent and Community Engagement
An active School Council holds monthly meetings and maintains a school information bulletin board. Parent / guardian representation on school committees review school improvement plans, staffing, and safe school audits. Regular volunteers support the school (including classroom, field trips, Paired Reading). Fun activities supported by the parents / guardians are the Welcome Back BBQ, Holiday Bazaar, Winter Play Day, Pizza Lunches, Fun Fair. Student volunteer partnerships support Hollywood from Earl Haig Secondary School, Ryerson University, and the University of Toronto. All support students' literacy and numeracy skills, and fun activities.