Hollywood Public School

360 Hollywood Ave, North York, ON M2N 3L4, Canada

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Elementary
About Hollywood Public School

At Hollywood, we strive to enable all of our students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society. We value and are committed to providing a learning environment that is safe, nurturing, positive and respectful. Hollywood is a dynamic community school with a tradition of excellence. Active and dedicated parents and guardians participate in the school lives of the students. The parents play a key role in creating and shaping this great community school, Hollywood. We value the uniqueness and the diversity of our students and community. A positive learning environment is supported to foster the development of the whole child.

Hollywood Public School is located in Willowdale East

Willowdale East is located in the larger area of Willowdale which began as a postal village, and now consists of single-family homes, condominium townhouses and high-rise condominium towers. High density development is restricted along Yonge Street. The single-family homes range in age from the original 1910 to 1950s construction to very large replacement two-storey luxury homes built in the 1990s.

Schools play a crucial role in homebuying, as catchment areas determine which schools your children can attend. If you're interested in seeing homes near Hollywood Public School, please contact me.
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